Required IJOI Author Writing Guidelines:

(Follow These Closely Or You Will Be Charged A Fee Of $20/Page For Editing!)

Also, See the attached IJOI Article Template!


1. Submit only MSWORD..doc files. For Page Setup, use A4 paper with 1.25” margins on all sides. Use Times New Roman size 12 font for all text.  Use .6 and .8 for the Header and Footer.

 2. Use One Column for the Title Page, Tables and Figures, and Two Columns for all Text and References.

 3. do not indent the abstract, and align all text left (looks better with hyphenation)

 4 do not number the headings and sub-headings

 5. do not use bold font for any headings or text.

 6. Put one blank line before and after all headings & sub-headings, and in between each paragraph in the text of the article..

 7. use Title Case for all headings and sub-headings

 8. put a page number on each page in the lower right hand corner including the first page

 9. Do not hyphenate - this will be done in the final publication reformat by the editor

10. indent the paragraphs & references .33"

11. IMPORTANT!! Put each figure and table on a separate page at the end of the article, separated with page breaks. Indicate in the text where the figure and table should be placed in the final review before publication.

12. All submissions must be in .doc format - do not submit .pdf articles

13. For examples of these Author Writing guideoines, see any article published in The Current Issue at the top of the IJOI Home Page.