Chieh-Heng Ko

Dept. of Hospitality Management, Da Yeh University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Email: chko@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Marketers want to offer pleasurable experiences to the customers across channels, not only better services. This research brings an understanding of customer experience quality in hotel operations. This study adopted customer experience scale and examined its effect on customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and word-of-mouth in hotel industry. Results showed significant influence of customer experience dimensions on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction influences both brand loyalty and word-of-mouth, and the indirect effect of customer satisfaction on word-of-mouth through brand loyalty is much strong. On the whole, this study extends the applicability of customer experience quality scale in hotel operations, which makes marketers to think about the different touch points during customer interaction with the hotel brand.

Keywords: Customer experience quality, Brand loyalty, Word-of-mouth

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