The guidelines for the submission review process for the Journal are as follow.

Each aspiring author writes a prospective submission for publication in the International Journal of Organizational Innovation. When the submission is ready, the author sends the submission to the Editor. The Editor then establishes a panel of reviewers for the purpose of reviewing that submission, and sends the submission to the reviewers, along with the criteria and evaluation form. Membership of the review panel consists of the Editor, Associate/Assistant Editors and the reviewers selected for that submission.

All reviewers will use the criteria for review given below according to the review process established by the Board of Editors. After each reviewer conducts their review, they return to the editor their response. The editor then makes a determination of one of the following actions to be taken next:

1.         If the written English language contained in the submission is not acceptable, the Editor will return the submission to the author and request that the submission be edited/rewritten by a person very proficient in English. This service is also offered by the editorial staff of the journal at an additional cost.

2.         If the submission requires minor or major revisions as recommended by the reviewers, the editor will return the submission to the author. The author must then update their submission and return it to the Editor for final edit and publication.

3.         If the submission is rejected, the author will be notified by email. They will also receive the comments made by the reviewers to aid the author in rewriting the article. Articles initially rejected by the journal may be submitted again after it has been rewritten.

4.         If submission passes review and after any required rewrites, the editor conducts a final edit and then sends the completed manuscript to the Journal Webmaster who adds the submission to the approved content in the Journal E-Library. This action constitutes publication & endorsement of the submission in the Journal, and the review process for that submission is completed. The author is notified by email of the endorsement and publication of the submission. Authors are also given the citation for their publication.

The set of criteria used for the peer review and the review form used by the reviewers are given below.





Dear Colleague,

Thank you for serving as a Peer Reviewer of submissions for International Journal of Organizational Innovation.  Please read the information & follow the directions below. Return your evaluation to the Editor who sent this form to you. Please return by emailing this completed form to the email address given below.


Aim: The objective of the International Journal of Organizational Innovation is to advance the level of knowledge regarding Research and “Best Practices” available to scholars and practitioners, providing information that will aid in the improvement of organizational & technological practice, as well as preparation programs. See to review additional information regarding the International Journal of Organizational Innovation.  

Criteria: The topic of submissions must have a focus on a specified topic area and a Submission Type. Please judge the extent to which the submission adheres to the content of the Topic and the structure and content of the Submission Type. Additional Submission Selection Criteria also includes:  Technical Adequacy, Agreement with Theory, Contribution to Field, Significance, Originality/Innovation, User-Friendliness, Ease of Application and Readability.

Directions: Please review the submission & use your professional judgment regarding the extent to which the submission meets each of the criteria listed. Use the rating sheet given below. After giving your ratings, give the Editor your recommendation whether the article should be included in International Journal of Organizational Innovation or not. Provide supporting comments for your choice. Return your review by using the electronic link for the journal provided in the email sent to you!!


Note to reviewers: Some manuscripts may not conform to some of the criteria but may make a significant contribution to the profession. Please use your judgment in applying the criteria. Reviewers are requested to aid the authors by offering suggestions for improvement. If needed, reviewers may attach additional comments in the space provided.



Reviewer:                                                       Submission Number:

Reviewer E-mail:


Date sent:


Manuscript Title:


Part 1: Submission Evaluation:

Please rate the submission using this 5-point Likert Scale, where “1” indicates that the submission does not meet that criterion at all, and a “5” indicates completely meeting that criterion. Use notes as needed.








Comments & Notes:

Extent it is appropriate for the selected domain







Extent it adheres to the guidelines for the selcted Submission type







Technical Adeqacy







Agreement with theory







Contribution to Profession, both to theory & practice







Significance for policy and practice





















User friendliness







Ease of Application







Overall Quality








Part 2: Overall Recommendation:

Should this submission be accepted for publication in International Journal of Organizational Innovation?


_____ Accept

_____ Accept with minor revisions (give specific suggestions in comments below)

_____ accpet with major revisions & resubmission (give specific suggestions in comments below)

_____ Reject (give specific reasons in comments below)


Reviewer Comments:




Please return this Evaluation Form to the Editor within two weeks of receipt to the Journal using the links provided in this email.  If you have questions, please email the Editor at:



Thank you! We appreciate your efforts! Please know that you will be listed in the International Journal of Organizational Innovation website as a Member of the Board of Editors for the Journal. Your name will also be listed in the Board of Editors page of all published issues of the journal.