Po-Hsien Chiu

Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Recreation

College of Life and Creativity, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan

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The purpose of the study mainly explores how organizations can retain talents in the hospitality industry as strategies. The research method adopts quantitative and non- random purposive sampling, with employees working in hospitality industry in Kaohsiung City as the subjects, and 406 samples were collected. The results show that employees identify with the organization in terms of "the company's image in society" and "care for the company's future development", and “Being proud of the company employees we serve” have high cognitive evaluations, which can reduce employees’ intention to leave. In terms of organizational attachment, "the hospitality industry allows personal growth, Learning and development", "I am proud to be a member of the hospitality industry" and "Have a high sense of belonging to the hospitality industry and hope that the hospitality industry can be more successful". Through by promoting high organizational identification, employees can build emotional attachment and stickiness. Finally, through multiple regression, the path between organizational identification, organizational attachment and turnover intention was explored, and it was found that organizational identification has a direct significant positive correlation with organizational attachment and a significant negative correlation with turnover intention; organizational attachment is directly related to age, salary and seniority.  Further exploration revealed that senior personnel have higher stability in the workplace than young people due to their personal social experience, and their high degree of identification creates more emotions and expectations for attachment to the organization. Several suggestions and further research directions are provided to the practitioners and academia for the hospitality industry in Taiwan.

Key Words: Organizational Identification, Organizational Attachment, Hospitality Industry, CSR

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