The International Journal of Organizational Innovation is published by The International Association of Organizational Innovation (IAOI). The International Association of Organizational Innovation is aprofessional organization for organizational, technology, innovation, design, and engineering related educators and practitioners. Our mission is to promote organizational & technological literacy by supporting the teaching of organizational innovation & technology and promoting the knowledge and professionalism of those engaged in this pursuit. The IAOI aims to achieve this by organizing conferences; building networks of scholars and practitioners in the diverse areas of organizations and innovation; stimulating research and distributing research publications. It accomplishes these goals through the delivery of an international conference and an international journal. Every year, the International Conference on Organizational Innovation is held in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries around the world. Our journal is published quarterly and distributed internationally.
WHY BECOME A MEMBER OF IAOI?  As an IAOI member, you are added to our database of like-minded scholars. Members are periodically emailed notices of activities and events on innovation internationally, and are also emailed notices when a new issue of the journal is available online for you to view. There are no application forms or membership fees required to be a member of IAOI. You automatically become a member by presenting a paper at our conference or publishing an article in our Journal. A Letter of  Confirmation of Membership in IAOI will be emailed to you upon request once you have presented at our conference or published in our journal.
Papers for the conference and journal are welcome from all scholars and practitioners. Students are encouraged to participate in the International Conference and the journal.  The Association holds an Annual Conference. The journal is published quarterly. For more information regarding the Journal, Association or Conference, see the links on the right side of the Journal Home webpage or Contact Us:

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation:

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 The International Conference on Organizational Innovation:

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The International Association of Organizational Innovation:

Dr. Frederick Dembowski, President, IAOI

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