Dr. Ming Gao, Professor                                                                                    

School of Economics and Management

Fuzhou University, Fujian, China

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Ling-Chuan Huang, Doctor Candidate                                                                                                    

School of Economics and Management

Fuzhou University, Fujian, China                                                                                   

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Dr. Yu-Jia Hu, Assistant Professor

Department of Distribution Management 

Shu Te University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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Measurement invariance issues have caused more and more attention as some studies suggested that measurement invariance did cause a number of significant differences for the contents on the questionnaires. As typical requirements for measurement invariance were difficult to reach, scholars suggested some practical approaches to study measurement invariance issues. This research was to utilize the practical statistic approach to examine the measurement invariance issues for the part of Empathy in SERVQUAL Scale for retail chain stores business in Taiwan across gender. The sample in this research was selected as customers from four retail chain stores in Taiwan, resulting in 200 individual surveys for analysis. The results indicated the Taiwan version of Empathy 3-item scale achieved invariant across gender groups. Finally, this research generated the proposals for retail chain stores business in Taiwan and recommended future scholar studies.

Keywords: Marketing, Statistics, Service Quality, SERVQUAL, Empathy, Measurement Invariance, Retail Chain Stores, Taiwan


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