Min-Hua Wu

Department of Food & Beverage Management,

Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, Taiwan

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The study compares the difference in employable competency between formal employees and interns as perceived by restaurant managers of Taiwan. A 20-item scale was developed from extensive literature review where the questionnaires were distributed across restaurants in Taiwan. From 117 valid returns, two categories of employable competency were identified for “formal employees” in restaurants: “professional skills” and “general skills”. Four categories of employable competency were identified for “interns” in restaurants: “workplace knowhow”, “stable”, “extra ability”, and “people skills”. Demographic significance was identified for gender and managerial position among restaurant managers where male managers viewed “workplace knowhow” to be significantly more important than female managers did on “interns”. Mid-level managers viewed “stable” to be significantly more important than low-level managers felt on “interns”.

Keywords: Management, Competency, Employable, Factor Analysis, General Skills, Professional Skills

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