Hsiang- Chin Hung*

Associate Professor

Industrial Management Department, I- Shou University

Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 84001

*Corresponding Author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wei- Kang Tung

PhD Student,

Industrial Management Department, I- Shou University

Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 84001

Li- Ju Chen

Associate Professor

Department of Travel Industry Management, Far East University

Tainan, Taiwan, 74448


In a rapidly changing market environment, innovation and creative thinking should be the basic conditions and capabilities of enterprises with the advancement of technology. How to enhance the innovation capability of enterprises to make business in a highly competitive environment is the key to sustainable development. People’s Innovative thinking tends to be in associated with their life experiences. Therefore, in solving problems, people will act according to both their own knowledge and awareness to seek answers. Such a problem- solving approach is often difficult to get breakthrough ideas and answers. All along, problem- solving approach in Taiwan's SMEs, mostly stay in traditional management thinking of pursuing standardization of quality, high efficiency and low cost. Companies must follow the trends of the digital age, and to find new competitive advantages and innovative business model, which is the business of sustainable business management. Kirton found that through different adaptability and appropriate combination of innovative personnel, the overall innovation capability can be effectively improved (Kirton, 2003). Bobic, Davis, and Cunnignham (1999) found in their study that to have adaptability and innovative tendencies personality in a team, the performance will be significantly better than to have only one single kind of tendencies in a team. In this study, one master and one bachelor class of Industrial Management Department, I- Shou University were chosen as the object to explore whether innovative personality traits will be improved or enhanced under innovation programs. Data were analyzed using paired T tests, 2- Sample T tests and other statistical methods, with experts to discuss the effectiveness of the generated data. The results can be provided to enterprises so as to enhance employee creativity.

Keywords: Learning Result, Cognitive Style, KAI, Systematic Innovation

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