Fu-Shu HsuYu- Lin Lee*2 Yen-Chen HuangChien- Hua Chen4

1Associate Professor

1Department of Physical Education, Fu Jen Catholic University

2Associate Professor

2 Office of Physical Education, National Taipei University of Business

3Associate Professor

Department of Marine Leisure and Tourism, Taipei University of Marine Technology

4Assistant professor

Office of Physical Education, TamKang University

* Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction: With the change in Taiwan's demographic structure, the female population is already higher than men. In addition, women's rights awareness has risen, the number of female sports audiences for sports events is also increasing year by year, female had become the main audience of various top sports. Female had also been considered as the emerging group which gradually signifies and gets concern in the sports- watching market. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the follow- up analysis of female sports- watching behavior. 

Methods: On- site female spectators which participated the regular season competition of Chinese Professional Baseball League in 2014 were the main objects of this study, random questionnaire were being conducted at three different time periods (May, July & September). The Latent Growth Curve Modeling (LGC) analysis was used in order to evaluate the various and beneficial results of female sports- watching behavior. The total amount of valid questionnaires were 1, 209 and were collected and analyzed. The valid return rate was 95. 05% which was a really high percentage. Results: Findings were as follows: 1. We considered female like young generation, those who were unmarried and college students as the main group of sports spectators. 2. Female in different demographics has differences between sport viewing motivation and sport identity. 3. According to the analysis of latent growth curve modeling, the model presents an appropriate structure mode, however, the slopes for the sport viewing motivation and sport identity at the different time period were both descending, - . 07 and - . 08 respectively. Conclusion: We suggest that sports organization or league should actively involve in developing and operating female sport spectator, develop marketing policies which were unique. This will strengthen the sport viewing motivation and sport identity of female and then boost it to the positive growth, and then effectively expand the female sport spectator market. 

Keywords: Chinese Professional Baseball League, female, sport spectator, sport identity, Latent Growth Curve Modeling

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