Tse-Shan Hsu

President, Institute of Mitigation for Earthquake Shear Banding Disasters

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Feng-Chia University, Taiwan R.O.C.

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Lin-Yao Wang

Student, Ph.D. Program for Civil Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, and

Infrastructure Planning, Feng-Chia University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Chang-Chi Tsao, Hong-Chia Chang

Directors, Institute of Mitigation for Earthquake Shear Banding Disasters, 

Taiwan R.O.C.

Tsai-Fu Chuang

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Feng-Chia University, 

Taiwan R.O.C.


For ground vibrations occurring along with shear banding during tectonic earthquakes, the primary and secondary effects of tectonic earthquakes is shear banding and ground vibration, respectively. In previous slope stability analyses of large-scale landslide areas, the adopted slope stability analysis methods have all neglected the influence from the primary effect of tectonic earthquakes, and the obtained results do not match the actual requirements. To resolve upon this issue, a slope stability method considering shear banding and ground vibration effects is proposed. The large-scale landslide of Tsaoling in Taiwan from the Jiji earthquake is taken as an example for an in-depth discussion on the influence of shear banding effect in slope stability analysis. As indicated by the results in the slope stability analysis for this large-scale landslide, when neglecting shear banding and vertical ground vibration effects, the resulting shear resistance strength parameters of the sliding surface from the back-calculation will be significantly lower. From the forward-calculation, the resulting factor of safety from slope stability analysis will also be significantly reduced. As found in the remediation of large-scale landslide areas, when significantly lower shear resistance strength parameters are adopted in the design, long-term stability in these remediated areas will not be maintainable. Therefore, it is recommended that when conducting slope stability analyses for large-scale landslide areas, either using back-calculation or forward-calculation, the proposed slope stability analysis method should be adopted.

Keywords: slope stability, tectonic earthquake, shear banding, ground vibration.

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