Kai lin Yu

The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University,

No.40,Sec.3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

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Yung-Chin Tsao

The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University,

No.40,Sec.3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

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The comic or animation based on the aboriginal people of Taiwan or other comic works on the market in the same period, in later works, the later aboriginal character design was largely fantasy-based, and there was a lack of historical research or data collection for costume design or plot setting. This research selects fourteen commercial comic publications between 1970 and 2015 that featured Taiwanese aboriginals, analyzing the plot setting and character design, art style, and costume design. The results of this study can provide more theoretical support when creating Taiwanese aboriginal themes in the future.

Key Words: Taiwan aboriginal, cheater design, comic, animation

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