Dr. Liu Ying-Yen

Ph.D. in Business and Operation Management,

Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan,

Doctoral Research of California State University


Consumer behavior is a complex topic that involves various factors and aspects that influence and interact with each other, but these differences are often discussed separately. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence consumer behavior with regard to catering consumption.

Business enterprise must provide quality service, good brand image and high added value in order to enhance catering service quality, consumer satisfaction, and loyalty. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to do the following: (1) explore the influence of catering service quality on consumer behavior, (2) explore the influence of catering brand image on consumer behavior, and (3) explore the influence of high added value of catering service on consumer behavior.

This research will provide to academic and related units for practical application.

Keywords: Consumer behavior, consumer value, perceptual value, customer satisfaction, brand image, added value.

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