Back Issues 11-20
Ying-Yen Liu
PhDstudent, PhD Program in Business and Operations Management,
Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan City,Taiwan(ROC)
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Trust underpins a long-term business partnership. Research into business-to-business (B2B)marketing suggests that trust is vital to the formation of a relationship and accordingly determines the robustness of a business partnership. This study discussed the role of trust in business partnerships and its limitations, derived three main points from an analysis of related theories, and examined the relationship between trust and business partnerships from the perspective of B2B marketing and the marketing implications of trust. The objectives of this study were to explore (1) the dynamic nature of trust, (2) standards of trust, (3) the role of trust in transactions, and (4) whether trust is essential to exchange relationships. Tang Wen Sheng (2011) believes that “interaction” will allow for efficient and productive results; therefore, the dominance practice of the reciprocal relationship principle in communication should be applied by maintaining one’s internal stability. The findings may contribute to the understanding of how relationship quality, contracts, and managerial behaviors interact within predicable B2B marketing relationships and exchange relationships.
Keywords: Management, Anthropometric, Interpersonal Relationships, Communication Information Provisions, Negotiation, Rationality, Subjective Behavior, Core Interaction, Crucial Factor, Qualification