Wei Tong Chen

Department of Civil and Construction Engineering

National Yunlin University of Science & Technology

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Chao Wei Wang

Graduate School of Engineering Science and Technology

National Yunlin University of Science & Technology

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Shih Tong Lu

School of Transportation & Tourism

Kainan University

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Department of Civil and Construction Engineering

National Yunlin University of Science & Technology



This study explores the interaction of safety culture and firm safety performance in Taiwan’s construction industry. SPSS 22 was used to analyze 316 valid questionnaire responses via exploratory and confirmatory factors. Structural equation model (SEM) was then used to test the proposed hypotheses. The factor structure of this scale is found to have an acceptable Goodness-of-Fit. The SEM results show that safety commitment has no significant effect on safety participation. Organizational consensus is found to have a negative effect on safety behavior, safety compliance, and safety participation. Safety commitment has a significant and positive effect on safety behavior and safety compliance. Safety communication is not only closely associated with safety performance, butalso provides a better explanation of safety performance. Safety culture is found to have a certain predictive ability and effect on safety performance in Taiwan’s construction industry.

Keywords: Organizational Development, Management, Safety Culture, Safety Performance, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Path Coefficient

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