Tzu-Jiun Yeh
Department of Marketing Management,
TransWorld University
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The purpose of this research was to explore the subjective lived experiences of female faculty in leadership positions in higher education. Women remain disproportionately represented in leadership roles among most areas of organizations and society. Researchers state that women ideally rise to successful leadership practices once they have served, or possess the potential to serve, in leadership (Byrd, 2009). However, the female academic leaders find it challenging to appreciate their individual leader development, work effort and success independence of being linked to historical marginalization, results of stereotypes among other disgraces (Sule, 2008). The group of faculty that was interviewed consisted of two doctoral program deans and two department chairs who were also full professors, one program coordinator who was associate professor, and two faculty specialists of universities in Texas, the United States. A heuristic phenomenological approach was adopted to collect and analyze the described lived experiences of seven female academic leaders. Most participants in this study expressed that higher education is a great and rewarding place to work even if the challenges and difficulties they experienced. Since it is the place to get access to research grants which are unavailable elsewhere and can become and be recognized as an expert in a field of choice. The findings provided brief narratives of a total of five major categories, twelve themes, and twenty-five subthemes were emerged from the participants’ responses, which include concrete personal experiences, crisscross of gender, challenges and fronting strategies, courage, and definitions and evaluation of success inside and outside the academy.

Keywords: Leadership, Leadership Practice, Female Leader, Higher Education,
Sexism Significant Increase Of Female Leaders In Top Leadership

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