Yung-Chin Tsao

Professor, The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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Shang-li Chu

The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Taipei 104, Taiwan, R.O.C. 

d10017006@ ms.ttu.edu.tw

Ching-Huei Lai

Safety Division, Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taipei City 10548, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Shih-Yin Huang

The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Taipei 104, Taiwan, R.O.C. 


Transportation facilities are used by numerous people from a broad range of groups. Therefore, to fulfill the principles of universal design (UD), transportation environments must be designed with maximum ease of use for all people in mind, which will enable sustainable social development to be achieved. This study focused on improving upon the flaws in the sign system for the main passageways in Banqiao Station in New Taipei City, Taiwan. A new sign system was designed for the transfer route from Taiwan Railways to the Mass Rapid Transit system, and a three-dimensional virtual reality scenario was incorporated for a UD evaluation test to reinforce the UD procedure. The flaws in the existing sign system were divided into six groups: (1) missing information; (2) interference with vision and sight; (3) unintegrated sign design; (4) unintegrated sign information; (5) disturbance from environmental lighting; and (6) unclear directional positioning. The types and locations of the signs were redesigned, and the visual design and information contents of the sign system were integrated systematically, after which the setup planning and design improvement of the sign system was implemented according to the flaws identified by users. According to the test results of the users, the existing sign system does not fulfill the principles of UD, particularly in terms of its flexibility, safety, and aesthetics. The new sign system satisfies the requirements for UD; in particular, significant improvements in informativeness and safety were noted.


Keywords: Universal Design Evaluation, Sign System, Innovation Design, Transportation Environment

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