Kai lin Yu

The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University,

No. 40,Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd. , Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

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Yung-Chin Tsao

The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University,

No. 40, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd. , Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan

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Characters are core components of any work, and they serve as psychological projections for viewers or readers and convoys of plots and core elements. With the rise of network publishing and Internet communications, the animation, comics, and games (ACG) industry has exploded. To create distinction in an industry with highly similar works, artists/designers focus more on character model design. In this study, we adopted product design theory to examine the processes of designing character models and develop a unique character design method (CDM) . First, we examined different character model designs and analyzed the differences between the commercial animation character modeling approaches prevalent in Europe, the United States, and Japan. We then tested several character modeling constructs and administered a questionnaire survey to collect data for statistical analysis. The findings indicated that the proposed CDM greatly improved the learning interest of inexperienced character designer. 

Keywords:  character design, character modeling, animation


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