Yong Liao

Teacher of Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities. China, No. 23, Fozi Road, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City, Guangxi, 0000-0002-0204-5160 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yu Cui Li

Teacher of Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities. China, No. 23, Fozi Road, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City, Guangxi, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lili Yang

Teacher of Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities. China, No. 23, Fozi Road, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City, Guangxi,

* Corresponding Author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Duan-Rong Lin

Director of the Chinese Art Therapy Association Hong Kong. Flat A 6/F Tung Lee Bldg 9 Lai Yip St Ngau Tau Kok Hong Kong This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


With a series of problems in the implementation of after-school service activities in mainland China, this study explores the influencing factors of after-school service behavior intention of primary and secondary school teachers based on behavior planning theory. This research uses quantitative analysis and uses SPSS 25 to analyze the data of 516 returned questionnaires. The study finds that: different genders have no significant impact on behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, behavioral control, behavioral intentions, and actual behaviors; different regions have no significant impact on behavioral attitudes., subjective norm, behavior control, behavior intention, and actual behavior have a significant impact, among which the influence of township teachers is higher than that of urban teachers; teachers have a significant impact on behavioral attitudes and behavioral intentions of after-school services; teachers' subjective norms and behaviors of after-school services Intention has a significant impact; teachers have a significant impact on perceived behavioral control and behavioral intentions of after-school services; teachers have a significant impact on behavioral intentions and actual behaviors of after-school services; teachers have a significant impact on perceived behavioral control and actual behaviors of after-school services influence. This research mainly discusses the influencing factors of primary and secondary school teachers' willingness to participate in after-school service behavior, and aims to provide a reference for optimizing after-school service policies and further improving teachers' participation rate in the future.

Key words: behavior planning theory; primary and secondary school teachers; after-school service; behavior intention


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